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English translation for "physical equipment"


Related Translations:
physical artifact:  物理赝像
physical absorptivity:  物理吸收能力
physical trainer:  体育教练员
physical positioning:  物理定位
physical damage:  攻击的物理损害攻击的物理危害机械损坏物理伤害有形损失
physical obsolescence:  实物陈旧物质上的废弃
physical efforts:  体力劳动
physical behaviour:  物理性质
physical obstruction:  实质障碍物理阻碍物
physical view:  实体观点
Example Sentences:
1.All these experiments are based on physical equipments
2.Inspect review all physical equipment in restaurant and make relevant maintenance requests
3.Machines and other physical equipment directly involved in performing an industrial , technological , or military function
4.Physical equipment used in data processing , as opposed to programs , procedures , rules , and associated documentation
5.Physical equipment as opposed to programs , procedures , rules , and associated documentation ; chip level solutions that hook onto back plane of computer to protect it
6.Regarding system commissioning , the focus is on the conjunction method of physical equipment and its configuration , the skill of on - line bus equipment checking and debugging methods and procedures for input and output equipment
7.Workflow applications are characterized by having many agents agents can be humans , automated processing steps , or even physical equipment such as machinery or printers who each perform a small portion of the task and pass it on to the next agent as determined by business rules
工作流应用程序的特征是有许多代理(代理可以是人,自动处理步骤甚至是物理装备,例如机器和打印机) ,每个代理都执行任务的一小部分并将其传递给由业务规则所确定的下一代理。
Similar Words:
"physical environmenmt" English translation, "physical environment" English translation, "physical environmental factor" English translation, "physical equation" English translation, "physical equilibrium" English translation, "physical equipment table,pet" English translation, "physical equipments" English translation, "physical error" English translation, "physical estimator" English translation, "physical etch" English translation